UEFA Medical Symposium 2023
Revolutionary relaxation and regeneration for athletes
In recent years, the importance of medicine in football has grown significantly. Many football clubs have specialized in medical care for their players due to the high physical stress and risk of injury in professional sports. Doctors, physiotherapists, and sports scientists collaborate with coaches and players to prevent injuries and improve recovery times. New insights in sports medicine and the application of modern technology have resulted in a better understanding of injuries and the development of new treatment methods. UEFA is also committed to the ongoing development of medical aspects in soccer, hosting the Medical Symposium every four years for the eighth time this year.
The 8th UEFA Medical Symposium, held at the DFB Campus in Frankfurt from January 31 to February 2, 2023, was an exciting event for all participants. Under the theme “The Importance of Medicine in Soccer,” around 350 medical representatives from UEFA’s 55 member associations and numerous European clubs, as well as football medical staff and other experts, gathered. The conference focused on the most recent advancements in dealing with head injuries, medical care for players, medical issues in women’s football, and emergency medicine. We were the exclusive opportunity to present the reLounge at the symposium and dedicated ourselves entirely to the topic of “regeneration”.
Day 1: The challenges for Football Medicine

Male and female professional football players are frequently subjected to extreme physical stress, posing a high risk of injury. Given the compressed game schedules and long travel distances, optimal regeneration in football is critical for injury prevention. Medical care for players must be up to date at all times, and medical professionals are required to act quickly and effectively. This can lead to a lot of stress. Not only for the medical staff, but also for the players, who are frequently forced to play through injuries or pain in order to win the game. In an emergency, professionals have to act quickly while avoiding aggravating injuries. Sports medicine must therefore be continuously developed to meet the demands of professional sport.
reLounge can help speed up crucial regeneration processes. The combination of heat and electrotherapy, as well as leg elevation ensures maximum recovery. By opening up the muscle cells, nutrient supply is improved, allowing players to recover faster and reach performance peaks more efficiently.
Already on the first day of the symposium, numerous interested parties visited our stand to get to know and try out the reLounge. The first day of the symposium came to a close with an official dinner hosted by UEFA, following many interesting initial discussions and presentations. It was an excellent opportunity to network and exchange ideas with other industry experts.
Day 2: Effective rehabilitation techniques

The second day of the symposium was dedicated to the topic of “Re-entry after injuries and illnesses”. Returning to professional football after an injury is difficult for many players. Not only does optimal medical care require mental fortitude and patience from those affected in order to restore the body’s performance level. The timing of the return, as well as coordination with the coach and the team, are also critical to getting players back on the field safely and successfully. In this regard, holistic approaches such as the reLounge provide the best possible outcomes.
One of reLounge’s modes of action is mid-frequency, which has been shown to allow significant increases in muscular strength and performance. The modulated mid-frequency muscle activation optimally supports the transition to increased loads following a prolonged break.
More information on the mode of action and function can be found at the following link: How reLounge works
Our stand was very well frequented on the second day, which allowed for many interesting discussions. At the final official dinner of the DFB, congress participants were able to listen to Philipp Lahm’s words on campus and engage in further stimulating discussions.
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Day 3: Workshops and closing

The third and final day of the symposium focused on workshops where participants were able to put what they had learned into practice. The breaks were used extensively to recover from the previous days’ exertions, and reLounge was a tool gladly used for this purpose.
This year’s UEFA Medical Symposium was a special event that has brought together inspiring personalities to exchange knowledge, gain valuable experience, and, most importantly, provided numerous opportunities to make new contacts. We are looking forward to continuing our conversations with interested parties and hope to be a part of football teams in the future, thus contributing to the improvement of medicine in football.
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